Wednesday, November 04, 2009


A few months from now when we all remember gee, governors don't enact a lot of public policy and/or matter, perhaps someone will point out that the GOP basically put in place a Democrat in a district that has been Republican since US Grant.

The victory by Owens may bolster the belief among other Republican leaders that a continuing grass-roots effort to defeat moderate officeholders in party primaries is accelerating a GOP decline in the Northeast and elsewhere.

Fucking idiots.


  1. Marley10:02 AM

    Don't be a hack. The NJ and VA races hurt the Democrats both regionally and nationally, but only so much. To the extent it's a continuation of "throw the bums out," that's bad for Democrats, because they are now the majority bums. If the party rank-and-file feel that some of the more expansive of Obama's initiatives are making them more vulnerable, than that will make it even harder for him to crack the whip. And these are two entire states, one recently trending Democrat and one solidly Democrat (I think Corzine making fun of fat people may have been a factor in the end).

    For you to train your laser-like analysis on a GOP congressional race where an upstart evicted a moderate-to-liberal GOP nominee a week before the general, and still came with a few percentage points is absurd.

    It was a bad day for Democrats. Not catastrophic, not even calamitous. But certainly concerning. Your spin is Meghan McCainesque in its depth and Olbermannesque in its desperation.

    You owe me three clever bon mots and/or catchphrases.

  2. ill take republicans winning as gov race (particularly when one of the states is generally pretty red anyways) in exchange for a shift to the left in Congress

    the hope obviously is that people in the GOP who arent insane start taking charge again, which is good for everybody. except cable news and talk radio, i guess.

    bon mots ensuing. hung over/JAWS is on.

  3. Marley10:29 AM

    It's not a challenge to beer pong pinhead. It's an analysis that isn't tainted by Yglesiaitis or Obamamanaia.

    You had the left shift in Congress. To the extent these races suggest (or are even perceived as) a shift back rightward, that's bad news for the administration. The congressional race and U.S. Grant is a minor issue, and actually, it's bad news for the GOP, but not because they lost the seat. Rather, Hoffman's near-win may spur further challenges from established GOP candidates.

  4. i would think thats a good thing for the "i dont want my life run by glenn beck, im a real conservative" crowd. but what the hell do i know. im just a guy desperately searching for naked pictures of stacey dash.

  5. poor sweet desperate marley. cant wait to read why hucakabee is the perfect self-involved lefty antidote.*

    *this has been time-capsuled.

