Sunday, November 08, 2009

Incredibly Stupid Movie That Ive Somehow Seen 1000 Times; If It's On, I'm Watching.


Maybe it's the scenes of people sitting around a humongous, incredibly old house wondering how to buy a bunch of beer. And it's definitely of my own collegiate time. I seem to be getting nostalgic these days for college, an era that mysteriously has evaded by highly-nostalgic brain zone thus far. Maybe it's the Fall? Is the only other movie that has the time and feel of my college years Singles? Hmm.


  1. The Gnat3:56 PM

    I think this is a classic, classic movie. In Xmasspeak - a slice. It skewers the self-important special interest groups and self-imposed segregation that I desperately wanted to avoid in college and preaches simply that a good party (and an appearance by George Clinton) can help us all get along. Piven was excellent too.

  2. Gnat/Piven '12! ;)
