Thursday, November 12, 2009

Interesting Question

I've been asking this on Xmastime forever now, but I like the way it's asked via Think Progress:
Why is it that hawkish lawmakers are so willing to spend such enormous resources in both lives and treasure on a troop surge in Afghanistan that is increasingly opposed by Americans and Afghans, but are so quick to bark at the price tag of health care legislation that could save the lives of the 45,000 Americans who die every year because they don’t have access to health care? As Glenn Greenwald notes, “Urging that more Americans be sent into endless war paid for with endless debt, while yawning and lazily waving away with boredom the hordes outside dying for lack of health care coverage, is one of the most repugnant images one can imagine.”
The answer is, of course, that if you take a cow and a pig to the barber only one of them will get a haircut, the other will get a new pair of jeans. Or "dungarees," as my mother called them. But if they both went to get their hats blocked, that would take longer because, obviously, somebody might wanna watch the episode of All in the Family where Maude comes to visit to take care of everyone who has the flu, cause it's a great episode, even if even back then you wouldn't fuck Bea Arthur with Bea Arthur's dick. The bottom line is, flannel toast. (Bears?)

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