Monday, November 09, 2009

Joe Lieberman is Right as Always

In wondering if the Ft. Hood shooting was a terrorist act.

But, in the meantime, lemme see if I got this straight:

1) We are at war against terrorists.
2) The only part of the government that we can believe in, and throw our tax dollars without question at, is the US military
3) Who are fighting the terrorists
4) Yet who, it turns out according to Lieberman, are incapable of sniffing out terrorists within it's own ranks, including someone they had trained and employed for 21 years.
5) At which time, Nidal Hasan had some sort of remote sensor a lá Reggie Jackson in The Naked Gun activated by his terrorists friends, causing him to start shooting everybody in sight.

Of course. Sounds perfectly plausible. Matter of fact, sounds like we need to give MORE money to the Department of Defense, to defend against people who are inserted into the military and then serve quietly without notice for over two decades before finally springing their trap. Lieberman's 100% right, and we need to direct more money into the "What if Damien from The Omen was a Real Dude and That Shit Really Happened?" Fund. Thank you, Joe. You saved or asses. (whats the word on the whole "look out for niggers who are biding their time until they can make white people their slaves" meeting?)


  1. Marley12:45 PM

    10 to 1 they all thought, "this dude is off" but in these p.c. times, they didn't want to be rude.

  2. well, of course if he was gay he woulda been booted tout suite. so we have that going for us.

  3. Marley1:04 PM

    Oh Lord.

  4. any need to wonder what he was "off" about? or just fuck him, he's a lunatic, and always was?
