Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Kids

One day the stories will start to trickle out, not from myself but from newspaper articles or old men sitting on stoops talking, maybe people sitting around a campfire, and the kids will start to see me as the guy that once scored half of his team's points against King William, and blocked that extra point at Lancaster, and had the game-winning hit in the 1990 NND tournament, and they'll start to look up to me as some freakishly famous, accomplished athlete instead of simply The Godfathah/Manny/big dumb guy that won't stop touching noses and saying "boop!!" They'll probably start acting differently around me, deferentially with a reverance of which I may deserve, but certainly get enough of from everyone else and would rather just be what I already am to them: a big ol' teddy bear.* Ah well. They won't be little kids forever, I reckon. And I am what I am.**

* who, of course, once scored half of his team's points against King William, and blocked that extra point at Lancaster, and had the game-winning hit in the 1990 NND tournament

** a guy that once scored half of his team's points against King William, and blocked that extra point at Lancaster, and had the game-winning hit in the 1990 NND tournament

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