Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Today's the first day that feels like Beatles time of the year:
Walking back to the A train after work, I thought about that passage, and the song, and I thought to myself well, MAYBE it's cold enough to be Beatles time, but I dunno; seems like there should be a sign.

May god strike me dead if I'm lying here: I walked through the GWB Terminal and into the walkway to the train...and there was some old, withered, old guy playing the saxophone ("blowin", me and my hep cats might say), and what the fuck was he playing? Hard Days Night. I was floored. I was floored, I was dumbstruck, I smiled, I laughed, I walked, I jogged, I ran, I fucking flew onto the train; I've been singing ever since.

It's cold. It's fall. About to be winter. Guess what?

Beatles time. Period.
Meanwhile, I see that A Hard Day's Night is coming on VH1 Classic at 8:00, and I just found THESE COVERS of A Day in the Life.

Beatles time. Period.

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