Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Obama Sucks

Nobody really gives two shits what I think A few people have asked me my thoughts on Khalid Sheik Mohammed being tried here in NYC. I'd say it's interesting that we're outraged at Obama's showing "weakness" by according a Japanese dude the proper respect in his own country as etiquette dicates, but we don't seem to mind looking completely terrified of a guy presumably wrapped in chains and surrounded by cops. Makes total sense.

Of course, why even try him as a common criminal? We're AMERICA - surely we're not satisfied by merely panicking and over-reacting ourselves into a stultifying recession and thousand of lives lost in unnecessary wars, can't we elevate this guy to near-superhero, mythical martyr status too? Isn't there more we can be doing to make sure some random dudes in caves and monkeybars feel like we're absolutely terrified of them and that they're the single-most important things for us to be focusing on in the entire world? I mean, it's either bake them brownies or this, I suppose.

Cause let me tell you something: if they blow this, and he gets to walk out of that courtroom, that's another foreigner taking a job. If I walk into fucking Yogurtberry and this guy is the fucking assistant manager, I'm holding Obama accountable.


  1. Marley4:37 PM

    Whether the bow is a big deal or not, it is certainly not "the proper respect" accorded the Japanese emperor "in his own country as etiquette dicates."

    Unless every other fucking person in the world who sees the Japanese emperor is guilty of a breach of etiquette because they don't bow (see below - 46 handshakes, one bow).

    You are at your worse when your need to flack allows you to effortlessly create your own reality.

    Stop making shit up.

  2. who gives a shit if he shakes hands, bows, or whips his nuts out? are we really worried about "looking weak" because of this? especially someone like you, who is pretty confidant in our ability/god-given right to bomb any country off the planet if we want? why is it the bomb-happy "we're the greatest military power in the history of thew world!!" crowd that gets bent out of shape about this stuff? it's the tuffest dude in the bar that can roll in with a pink shirt, playah.

  3. Marley4:46 PM

    I'll try again, moron.

    "Whether the bow is a big deal or not . . . "


  4. Marley4:49 PM

    I mean, criminey.

    Let's say I agree the bow does not mean all that much.

    How does it help for you to ensure my agreement by saying, "And in Japan, it is absolutely the custom and correct etiquette for folks who see the emperor to bend over and sniff his crotch, as promulgated by the National Diet of Japan in 1871."

  5. Marley4:50 PM

    My God man.

    Let your intellect inform your politics, not vice versa.

  6. hmm...sounds like SOMEbody is impressed with my intellect!!! ;)

    and "sniffing a crotch" is a big leap from "bow." as in, absurd, which you know.

  7. Marley5:02 PM

    A simple acknowledgment of the error. That's all I ask, Xmastime, just to know you're still with us.

    You think this doesn't hurt me, watching you morph into a defensive, evasive apparatchik?

    If not for me, think what it's doing to GIHYB or Ryan?

    They call me about you NIGHT AND DAY.

  8. Marley5:05 PM

    AS to your increasingly pathetic attempts to escape responsibility for your own lazy falsifications:

    Hooper: [trying to get the fishing line secure] It may be a marlin or a stingray... but it's definitely a game fish.
    [Hooper pulls as the lines snaps and he crashes his head into the wall]

    Quint: [picking up the line] Gamin' fish, eh? Marlin? Stingray? Bit through this piano wire? Don't you tell me my business again! You get back on the bridge...

    Hooper: Quint, that doesn't prove a damn thing!

    Quint: Well it proves one thing, Mr. Hooper. It proves that you wealthy college boys don't have the education enough to admit when you're wrong.

  9. i am glad to see youre getting your info from College Republicans. staying young, are we?

  10. Marley7:09 PM

    You're lost. I'm sad.

  11. my college line was re: the link, not the JAWS quote

    Dec 5: Xmastime/Marley put on the glvoes, take it in the ring! we could sell tickets! :)
