Wednesday, November 04, 2009

The People of the NY 23rd District are FUCKED

Oh oh.

Endorsed Doug Hoffman:
Columnist Michelle Malkin
Columnist Bill Kristol
Talk radio host Mark Levin
Talk radio host Laura Ingraham
Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey
Representative Michele Bachmann
Former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin
Former US Senator Rick Santorum
Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh
Talk radio host Sean Hannity
Talk radio host Glenn Beck
Talk radio host Hugh Hewitt
Talk radio host Michael Medved
Talk radio host Laura Ingraham
Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey
Representative Michele Bachmann
Former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin
Former US Senator Rick Santorum
Governor of Minnesota Tim Pawlenty
US Senator Jim DeMint
Representative Steve King
Governor of Texas Rick Perry

Endorsed Whoever the Guy He Was Running Against That Beat Him Was:
The Watertown Daily Times

Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin told them what to do, but it looks like the voters defied them, thanks to the efforts of a newspaper that from what I can tell by the name of it is made out of gingerbread and run by rabbits with cute little newspaper-man green visors on. Way to go, 23rd. I do not look forward to hearing the body count.


  1. Montana12:19 AM

    So Rusky gets punked because he does not fact check (Not the first time)? Wow, what a surprised.

    Oh, and when contronted that he was punked, he defended himself by saying “we stand by the fabricated quote because we know Obama thinks it anyway” (Yeah good try to save face, what a loser)

    After so many years of mis-labeling and mis-characterizing others he gets smacked down by the NFL “Not For Limbaugh”. Way to go NFL, great job!

  2. We stand by the fabricated quote because we know Obama thinks it anyway

    The Fat Bastard in a nutshell; 'nuff said.
