Monday, November 02, 2009

Pizza Hero

Last month I wrote about the guy going a month eating only sausage pizza HERE:
Some dude will soon be famous for eating nothing but sausage pizza for one month. What the fuck? This is a feat? What the fuck else would you rather be eating if you could? Eating nothing but fucking squash for a month, that'd be a fucking hero. Or my ass, maybe. Fucking christ.
I stand by what I said, particularly since now he's done and not only did he love it, but he LOST SIX FUCKING POUNDS:
Scharoff claims the challenge was easy. When asked if there was ever a point that he thought he might not make it, he said "not even close" and that he could do another 30 days if not for all the pictures and documenting he had to do. Both here and on the LTH thread, people questioned the effect of the challenge on Scharoff's health. Not only did he eat absolutely no vitamins or take any aids in the vein of Metamucil, but he never felt sick the entire month and, as of October 29, he lost 6 pounds since the challenge began.

1 comment:

  1. give him a month off his pizza diet. Those pounds will be right back on, and then some.
