Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Public Service: Xmastime Reaches Out to Little Girls

I don't know how many of my readers are 5 year-old girls, but those of you who are should know that if you fuck around with drugs and booze you will go from THIS to THIS in only a few short years. I mean, how fucking sad is that, right? A precious life, wasted.And there must be thousands of cases like this all over the world, girls destroying themselves and ending up completely pathetic and hideous like Ms. Sweetin. So keep that in mind, little girls, next time you decide to get smashed at your 11th birthday party, or if you decide to pick up an insanely dangerous crystal meth addiction. Think to yourself "do I really wanna end up like that?" And if you do, do yourself a favor and send a picture in to me. The after, not the before. I'll be happy to, upon seeing the photo, meet you at a pre-arranged secluded location to give you advice on how to get your life back together and out of the horrible, horrible gutter you have found yourself in.

You're welcome, MXOT*

*Miss Xmastimes Of Tomorrow

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