Thursday, November 12, 2009

Rome Calling

Nice to see that after 8 years of the game being monopolized by snake-handling, strychnine-drinking Southern-fried "Christians," the Catholic Church is looking to make a splash in US politics by helping shape the healthcare bill vis-a-vis pushing for strict abortion restrictions to the House bill. Awesome. I was gonna make a "cause they of all people know that dead fetuses almost never grow up to be kids to fuck" joke, but as you people all know I like to take the adult/classy route with this kind of thing and will instead point out that  they of all people know that dead fetuses almost never grow up to be kids to make sweet, tender love to   if the Church wants to start sticking it's nose into US Congressional legislation, maybe the first day at the office should be spent removing it's own tax exempt status.


  1. This hardcore stance on pushing for strict(er) abortion laws has, of late, become a worldwide concern for the Church. (In countries where elective abortion is outlawed, they are gunning for the same measures for rape, incest, and preserving the life of the mother situations.)

    Despite being a Catholic myself--admittedly, a "relaxed" one--I could not agree with you more regarding the Church's tax exemption status and their desire to involve themselves in politics.

    As simplistic as it may sound, they just can't have it both ways if we're gonna truly exercise the separation of church and state.

  2. Anonymous3:57 PM

    The constitution guards against government forcing religion on people, not against religion/ religious people taking a position on a very serious biological and moral issue. The 'church', which biblically is supposed to represent the body of Christ actually has an obligation to respond to the legalized slaughter of innocent babies (yes, it's a bloody mess alright), to protect life, to promote adoption and to lobby a secular government on behalf of the OTHER SIDE. Since government can't seem to identify right from wrong, life from non-life, what is most certainly death to the victim, that which can have very serious long lasting ramifications for the mother, father and others involved.
