Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sniffin' Palin

Andrew Sullivan needs to be a little more wary if he's gonna place his battle against Sarah Palin in the hands of a 19 year-old kid. I've said before, just because I'm pretty sure everything that comes out of her mouth is complete bullshit doesn't mean I should think everything that comes out of his mouth is the 100% god-honest truth. I mean, MAYBE it is; but Sully here is like a college football coach who, at the end of the day, puts his livelihood in the hands of kids. It is, to say the least, a bit of a gamble.

And he needs to calm down with the incessant hyper-ventilating over every lie. Yes, she lies her face off. Mostly, for no apparent reason. We know this. She is a serial liar, we know this is part of her character. We don't need to run to the microfiche to double-check and bleat every time she flip-flops on some nonsense she has spewed. I know he means well, and HE'S RIGHT, but it has a numbing effect.

An example is the numerous changes she has given to the story of how she told her family about getting the call from McCain. She told them, the McCain camp told them, she asked them to vote, she sent a telegram, who the fuck knows, the story changes every time. Who really gives a shit? First of all, I'm embarrassed I live in a country where we insist on having to hear "cutesy" stories from our potential leaders. I mean yeah it's asinine of Palin to paint some picture of her kids all sitting around on the bear-skinned couch eating homemade apple pie and actually "voting" on if Mommy should go off to Washington to save the world or not; but then, that's what we fucking ask for, isn't it?  We're absolute suckers for that "I put the decision in the hands of my kids" bullshit, aren't we? Every time. And then the story changes back and forth, but for fuck's sake. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt that small events like this are forgotten in real time, and maybe she just got shit mixed up. But even if it's apocryphal, again, it's pretty embarrassing that this is what we expect people to do in these situations. Let her tell her star-spangled Rockwellian (Norman, not Sam) stories if it makes her feel good, and if you're somehow swayed by it one way or the other then you're part of the problem.

Yes, she's full of shit. We all get that. And it's fun to pounce on her lies, cause it gives us something to laugh at. But the fucking daily parsing of everything she says is exhausting. And, like I said yesterday, the more we jump on them the more she gives us, which is like rocket fuel to her. I mean, if you can't decide on whether or not she should be running the country based on the fact that she is pridefully anti-intellectual, quit her job as governor of Alaska so that she could become some C-list celebrity, thinks Jesus is gonna come back in her lifetime for the Rapture, knows nothing about actual domestic or foreign policy and isn't really interested in learning and is running entirely on the "Victim" platform, all on TOP of showing in general that she is almost incapable of telling the truth about anything, then whether or not she flips flops on home-spun, who-gives-a-shit stories shouldn't matter to you since you're probably an idiot too.

Of course, the next stupid thing she says I'll prolly pounce on too, cause I'm an idiot. But I sure wish we could flash-forward to the inevitable Playboy spread.

Sully does get one thing absolutely right: this shit's all on McCain.
He picked her so carelessly, and his thought process was so cynical, that he should stand in the dock of public opinion before Palin does. Her vanity led her to say yes to his crazy offer. But he gave her that chance. And in the end, she is his responsibility...If he had any sense of responsibility, he would resign. And if the Washington media had any sense of responsibility, it would never invite him on TV again without demanding he take responsibility for what he nearly did to the national security of this country. No one who put this person near the nuclear button should have a future in public life.


  1. Marley3:53 PM

    She's was a vp candidate, not a virus. Lord, Kerry picked Pretty Pony, and you talk about an empry-headed pretty boy.

    Actually, you don't, because for you, hunky man meat must also be smart, while hot MILF must not only be stupid, but toxic.

    Finally, given that Sullivan has openly mused that there has been some kind of baby switch between Palin and daughter (see - http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_daily_dish/2008/08/things-that-mak.html), I think it best if you declined using him as a source for your Palinophobia.

  2. His stuff about the baby has always driven me crazy. And it does what I said: gives her fuel.

    He's a big Xmastime reader, he'll get the message.

    Notice I am not addressing your Edwards insults.

    At all.


  3. Marley3:58 PM

    WAIT A MINUTE?????

    This is TRANSFERENCE!!!!!

    Edwards - superficial, short on qualifications, robotic, attractive, and a consummate liar entices Xmastime into his champagne shaped hot tub and gives him anal warts. But Xmastime is so in love, that he can't deal.

    So, the next VP candidate with similar qualities becomes demonic.

    If I'd known your absurd obsession was therapeutic, I'd have never given you this much trouble.

  4. Marley3:59 PM

    I apologize preemptively.

  5. Oh, please. Don't try that lawyer bullshit on me, I read One L.

    If you want to compare Palin to a once-failed vp candidate that will never be heard from again, be my guest. Seems like a waste of fingerprints, but im willing to be amused by you. We'll call that the "kiddie table." If you'd like to speak with the adults, including "talking about Palin is a waste of time and makes you an idiot," ill be right here. (waving arms so you can see me)

  6. Marley4:20 PM

    God. It's worse than I thought.

    I should have seen the signs

    Xmastime tries to cut out the wife

    "John Edwards is my guy, but Elizabeth Edwards needs to shut the fuck up. You are not the candidate, your husband is - your job is to dress nice, smile and be friendly to as many people as possible. I'm sure you're a great person, I respect you, but you can only hurt your husband's chances by opening your mouth. When did this shit begin, where wives of Presidents or candidates have to matter? . . . Please, Liz - shut up!"

    Xmastime makes up a bio for Edwards

    "but the fact is he DID grow up poor in a mining town and then was raised up to middle class with his father’s rising in the ranks."

    and then provides a messianic plan where Edwards rejects politics and "Washington" (perhaps to room with a certain Fatty McChumplestiltskin?)

    "I can’t help but feel that if Edwards does lose, poverty may be better off for it - like Gore, he can say eff Washington and dedicate himself to his real passion."


    Edwards becomes an almost Dali Lama-like influence, making Xmastime re-think his way of life and plumb his dark past.

    "If someone says 'John Edwards sucks!!' I can't just screed back 'no, you suck!' I have to sit back and think well, DOES Edwards suck? As a rule, I am an emotional man...I see things in black and white and explode thusly; frustration and the knowledge of superiority lead to my spitting out spectacular venom on right vs. wrong. But the great thing about being Xmastime means I have to step back, dry off the page, and become my own devil's advocate. Slow logic trumping quick rage. Every time."



    "I'm suspicious about the validity of the whole Edwards love child thing. Not because I think he's above it, but because I feel like if there was even a 0.0001% chance of it being true the Rovian dogs would've already shredded it to bits, finding a way of course to smear Obama indirectly."


    The personalities meld.

    "Today on Meet the Press while speaking about the possible auto industry bailout Tavis Smiley mentioned the "P-Word": poverty. This jumped out at me because over last 2 years the only people who have even brought up poverty are me and John Edwards (BFF!)"

  7. Marley4:20 PM

    (One L - funny)

  8. DYING!

    Arkived, in the NEVER DELETE dvr selection.

  9. maybe the greatest Xmastime comment of all time.

  10. Marley4:29 PM

    NO-BELL ME!!!

    (btw - you in town the weekend of 12/5 and if so, will you promise not to pass out at 8:53 pm?)

  11. running down sidewalk, jumpin and clapping feet together :)

  12. Xmastime uses the phrase "p-word" and it's not a stand-in for pulchritude? The election seems so long ago.
