Friday, November 06, 2009

Speaking of Bachmann's Rally...

BACHMANN: Today people told me they heard that call out on your show on Friday night, and they immediately started contacting other people. And this was totally word of mouth. This was nothing that we organized, nothing that we planned. We didn’t order one bus, one carload. Nothing. Complete word of mouth. And estimates are anywhere between 20 and 45,000 people had assembled.

I understand her wanting to paint the thing as an organic outburst of populism. And I understand her need to go on FOX News and SAY how "organic" it was, since FOX News has millions of viewers. Which is also why I don't know how she could be so stupid to actually mention, in the very same sentence, that FOX News had mentioned the upcoming rally. FOX announcing it to it's viewers isn't "word of mouth," it's "massive advertising." For instance, if I wanted to sell pictures of the next dump I take and FOX mentioned this, they have so many viewers that there would be someone watching that would buy the pictures. "Organic." Fucking christ.

1 comment:

  1. Then again, the idiots that follow Bachmann are, in all likelihood, not capable of making that distinction.

    Hey, and isn't "organic" some kinda commie/socialist talk?
