Tuesday, November 17, 2009

White Flag.

I thought it was funny last week when Meghan McCain was "aghast!!" at Newsweek's cover, calling it "sexist." Well, I thought, maybe she didn't remember that Palin had happily posed for that picture before, in a running magazine.

But now I see that someone else is calling the cover "sexist!"...and it's Sarah Palin.

I am literally out of things to say. Seriously, Sarah, you win. I surrender. I am worn into the ground. Please, be our queen. I mean president, whatever. You win. My dick is too short to box with God.


  1. Marley11:35 AM

    She posed for Runner's World.

    As such, if I got you to pose for Fatburger Quarterly, with beef juices running down your ample jowls, and then placed that pic on Fitness Today, you'd be in a similar position. With less impressive stems.

    Use your fucking noggin' - the first thing that comes to your mind, just put away, ruminate, have a soda, and then, think again before typing.

  2. or i might have a brain, and think "as im a public figure, this might come back to bite me in the luscious, awesome ass."

    also, how many people see the cover and think "sexist!"? i didnt. it didnt occur to me til she started bitching.

    ergo, i dont think im off the reservation for wondering if this is another knee-jerk Palin 101 session of "that crazed liberal media that is out to destroy me, im such a victim!"

    get your head out of your ass and dont fall for it every time she cries "victim!" be a man. get the starbursts out of your groin and think for yourself for once. you stupid, stupid, little man.

  3. also: i googled Fatburger Quarterly, i couldnt find it. please link!

  4. Marley12:00 PM

    Her acumen is not the issue, just as it would not be for your photo with Fatburger Quarterly. The fairness of use of the photo is the issue. It is a cheap shot, patently unfair, and acknowledging same would not prevent you from continuing your bizarre love-loathe watusi with Palin. It would have the added benefit of introducing some much-needed principle to your repertoire. If they did it to John Edwards, it would be every bit as unfair and no defense for me to cackle, "Har har . . . he's a dummy for letting Pretty Pony Magazine take the photo in the first place."

    Link to Fatburger Quarterly --

  5. how is it a "cheap shot"? she paints herself as a fitness-crazed hockey mom. how is this photo even out of character? you think she isnt laughing her head off that youre springing to her defense? please. that cover is more of the "her" she's painted for herself than the green suit she wore on Oprah. its only "a cheap shot" bacuse she tells you it is, and like a little doggy you go running, barking her orders. Good Marley! Good Marley!!

    "unfair"? youre surprising me. i was less smitten with Edwards.

  6. Marley12:17 PM

    Are you retarded? Of all the photos, a news mag uses her Runner's World photo?

    I have no great love for Palin (other than a normal, healthy infatuation), but if they used this photo of Edwards for a piece on his political future, you'd sit down and have a good cry --


  7. Marley12:18 PM

    And you'd be right to weep.

    Gay, but correct.

  8. edwards didnt pose for that picture, knowing it was going into a magazine. she did.

    again, and im typing this slowly so you can read it: it bothers you because she told you you should be bothered by it. Sit Marley, sit! woof!

  9. Super Husky. Still funny.

  10. Marley12:25 PM

    Accuse me of the same kind of Harlequin love you have for Obama and Edwards.

    Standard, grade school strategy, fatty pants (calling you "fatty pants" is also standard), but it won't wash.

    Using your logic, Edwards should have known the photo could be misused.

    Think, eat, think some more, have a snack, and then, whatever you come up with, write the reverse.

  11. thats saying that a candidate should have the same level of outrage for a photo from a photo shoot for a magazine cover and a photo taken out on the street by your cell phone from the street, on a rare break from dialing 1-900-BOY-COCK. ergo, there should be no outrage at all allowed, ipso omnibus youridetheshortbus Palin has no right to beef and ex procter ergo hoc you're a jackass. drink some Ovaltine, play with your Alex P. Keaton kitchen doll-set, have an adult spell this out for you and let me know where you are.

  12. it's totally sexist ... and i love it

  13. i give Palin credit for knowing whats she doing when it comes to shit like this. she probably anonymously called newsweek and suggested the photo.

  14. Marley12:54 PM

    Well, she's full o' poop on the sexist bit. She has the legs, she flaunts them, no sweat.

    But of all the pics, for a "news" mag to grab one from Runner's World is b.s. Your distinction about a prior posing or a candid snap is irrelevant - the issue, Ollie, is the choice made by the magazine.

    If you think, "hey, that's the pic and it's just like any other pic" then fine. Eat your kielbasa and wait for Judge Judy.

  15. Marley12:55 PM

    Seacrest out.

  16. well, godihategirls works in the mag photo industry, maybe he can explain the "ethics" of it.

    dont go!!! i still have my self esteem!!?!?!!? wtf?!??!?!?!!!!

    what happened to us? :(

  17. Sorry to interrupt--and show up so late, natch--but I...man...ugh...agree that Newsweek did show some bias against Palin by using a pic that would paint her in a less serious light. It's definitely not sexist, tho.
