Thursday, March 18, 2010


I love it when heavy metal fans make fun of hair metal, as if heavy metal itself isn't an unlistenable pretentious dumbfest of shit songs about outer space and thunder & lightning as sung by the Cookie Monster and played by a coupla guys who, after coming up with the clever band name and satanic, scary logo, have clearly run out of ideas. I mean, hair metal is shit too, but at least they look ridiculous and sing about gettin' pussy and being shitfaced ("partying!") So it cracks me up when heavy metal fans take umbrage at hair metal, but seem oblivious to how stupid heavy metal is.

Anyway, here's a page with a bunch of hair metal covers. Drunken Dater will surely enjoy the Def Lep cover. Meanwhile, here's an oldie-but-a-sexy vid of me.

1 comment:

  1. " if heavy metal itself isn't an unlistenable pretentious dumbfest of shit songs about outer space and thunder & lightning as sung by the Cookie Monster and played by a coupla guys who, after coming up with the clever band name and satanic, scary logo, have clearly run out of ideas."

    If that statement were an actual blanket it would cover the entire tri-state area and then some.

    For starters, depending on your perspective, every single genre and subgenre of popular music could be labeled "an unlistenable pretentious dumbfest of shit songs". Secondly, anyone who lumps every single artist who performs metal as purveyors of "songs about outer space and thunder & lightning as sung by the Cookie Monster and played by a coupla guys who, after coming up with the clever band name and satanic, scary logo, have clearly run out of ideas" knows next to nothing about the music and/or has heard very little metal of substance, from the motherlode readily available.

    You hate it. Fine. But don't belittle the music with clever-sounding stereotypes that unfairly lump those who make it a vibrant art form with the the dragon-slaying fantasy types. Ever heard of Early Man? Isis? JLS? King's X? Mastodon? Pelican? etc etc etc etc etc

    I mean, aside from Neil Young, perhaps, I have yet to hear any current pop star voice as defiant a stand against the Iraq war as Slayer, for instance.

    I expect this kind of ignorant commentary from whatever passes for the 21st century version of the PMRC, but not from you, my friend.
