Friday, March 26, 2010

Pussy Dems Need to STFU

People trying to say that Eric Cantor saying the Democrats should be quiet about the personal attacks and threats of violence against them are the same hippies that try to get girls to tell the authorities when they've been raped. Shut up!!  Talking about it only makes people wanna do it more!!!! You can't see bad things with your head in the sand, and isn't Cantor Jewish? Don't his people know a little something about tons and tons of sand?

And now they're trying to say that the bullet that was fired through his window was accidental, having been shot from far away and eventually randomly descending upon his window. I guess because these jerkoff cops are all of a sudden mindreaders.

Look, Richmond doesn't have great public transportation. And gas is like $20/gallon or some shit. Are you really gonna tell me you know for sure that some guy from a few miles away didn't MEAN to hit Cantor's window with some quick calculations? Hey, we placed dudes on the moon within three feet of where we wanted to, we got someone to marry the scary Kardashian sister, so tell me this couldn't have happened. Fucking nonsense.


  1. Marley12:10 PM

    Of course, I never bitched about this or "wonder[ed] if the hate rhetoric has gone too far." Nor did I wonder "if it's only a matter of days until some Congressman's kid gets killed getting off the school bus."

    But that's because I'm not willing to sink to the lowest depth in political discourse - attributing violence to rhetoric for political advantage.

  2. except, like Cantor and Rove, right now.

    ZING!!! :)

    is this what it took to get you to come back into my web??????!! :)

  3. Marley12:33 PM

    It's a sad dynamic that I''m drawn back when you write your stupidest shit.

    I don't think it is healthy for us.

  4. Can I interest you in something from my "titties are awesome!" series?
