Sunday, March 28, 2010

Well. This is a Blow to My Fucking Ego.

The matter in your body makes up less than one trillionth of all the matter on earth,
and the earth makes up less than 1% of all the matter in the solar system. Our star is 1 of 5 billion
in this galaxy, and this galaxy is 1 of 5 million that we know about. If you live to be 100 years old
you will have lived less than one billionth of the age of the universe, and in 5 billion years, assuming
that any sentient beings exists, it is very unlikely that they will have the technology to know that our star,
let alone this planet, ever existed.


  1. unlikely my foot. cool stats, but i cant stand it when people project their own limitations on others. just because something is unimaginable to us doesnt mean it is impossible or even unlikely.

  2. Anonymous2:18 PM

    wow. nice provocative post. It's a picture of reality of infinity, which in contrast makes us all the more mortal. Consequently, men of all levels of intelligence and experience have the opportunity (if given) to deal with it and essentially make assumptions about their own value

    Oddly and interestingly enough, for all of our infinitesimal proportion to the grand scheme of things, the intelligent human brain is the only thing on Earth which possesses the ability to develop the tools which can 'go' and 'see' and calculate these kind of mind boggling proportions and stats. to what ends? Certainly not to give people the idea of insignificance... or maybe so.

    So, we ain't that big of a deal after all. Or are we? How do you view this information? How do you see it in terms of comparison to nano-technology? Cells,atoms and quarks. The fact is that what is REAL is way more than meets the eye. It has to do with purpose. Each cell has a purpose. A beginning and an end. A role in keeping the body alive and vital. In the same way each person and everything on our planet has it's fantastic purpose in time and creation. We are looking at and studying proportions and perhaps are limited in understanding the function of the universe because we don't understand it all. Being small seems less important. Tell that to your cells which are transporting oxegen and Co2 to keep your alive. You see, to see the world from space appears awesome and impacts our understanding of the smallness on the human mind but the deception of proportions is that what is real in now time and space is real but essentially it is more an evidence of our own ability to SEE THAT FAR ( from a distance). TO comprehend the shortness of life is one thing, but to understand the workings of the human body to survive in many cases when the odds are against it takes greater faith. To deal with your mortality is intense but to live life with a sense of immortality is perhaps beyond your comprehension. To see the body as something to be used in any way you wish is perhaps refreshing in light of your lack of faith but to respect and use your body in the way it was designed (athletic and strong) is far more awesome. Suddenly the picture makes sense and you want to glorify God in the things you do. This is the larger miracle. For man to use his skills as a creator to develop tools which enable us to look over 'THERE' is a miracle indeed, but to understand and behold the beauty of of God's creation (including himself) is the larger miracle. To realize that there are billions of cells which have YOUR DNA which makes YOU and that YOU are unique and lovable even, a small creator, which puts you in a position to believe you are more than a shot in the dark, and yet we are all as flowers withering. Remember the the last shall be first...the smallest fragment is the most important, the widows might seemed like the least but her offering was everything she had.

  3. Anonymous2:21 PM

