Wednesday, April 07, 2010


I saw the same thing on the ACORN video thing as Kiko Jones did, and it's pretty amazing that thanks to a purely political stunt performed to give FOX News something to go apeshit over (having a Muslim preznit gets dull after a while, I guess) for MONTHS, actual lives were ruined. People from ACORN were fired, and then the whole office went under. Which means not only are people out of jobs, but it makes it more difficult for people who need help to buy homes (the little side-business ACORN had along with bringing in kids to fuck for money and setting the stage for Obama to put you in a concentration camp.)

You know, regular working people struggling day to day; the "Real Americans" FOX and it's sister station the GOP claim to champion.

Also this whole video episode clarifies a new technological juxtaposition - ie, with the simplest of video equipment you can have that half-court shot from Monday night go in, but then I gotta wonder if the game actually happened in the first place.

1 comment:

  1. ...regular working people struggling day to day; the "Real Americans" FOX and it's sister station the GOP claim to champion.

    If they're not conservatives they don't count as "real Americans". But you already knew that.
