Tuesday, April 06, 2010

DUDES: Start Taking Notes.

I don't know a lot in this world, but there is one thing I know, and that's women. 
"Obviously, right now she is probably not that into me since she filed these stalking charges and I'm in the doghouse with her, but later on I'm going to try to recover and then actually win her over," he wrote to [Tucker] Max, who has received previous e-mails from the suspect.

"Talk me up, perhaps saying, 'Oh, yeah, he's a cool guy ... if he recovered from insanity he would be cool,'" Massler's e-mail reads.
Even better:
"I've got a stalking charge, so that means I can't contact her. I won't, like, try to ever visit her directly," Massler told the Daily News when reached at his mother's home in Reno.

"Instead, I'll become like a big-time millionaire, real estate mogul so that she's the one who contacts me," Massler said. "It will be more indirect, like, let the girls come to me."
Playin' it cool. Making her come to him.  Pointing out that if it was for the law-breaking insanity he'd be, and I quote, "cool." In other words, THIS GUY IS DOING EVERYTHING EXACTLY RIGHT!!!!

Only a matter of time now!

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