Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Anniversary Baby!

19 21 years ago today, I went on my first date with my high school girlfriend/first love. What I pathetically vaguely remember:

1) She wore a purple sweater.
2) We went to the Ridge Cinema in Richmond and saw "Major League."
3) I believed we'd be in love forever.
4) On the way home, we made out like crazy at every red light.
5) I bought a Johnny Rivers tape at the mall.
6) We parked at the Hodge Podge, about a mile away from home on the way back, to make out.
7) We parked behind Sunnyside Grocery, about a hundred yards away from home on the way back, to make out.
8) I'm not sure, but I probably told her I was in love with her. Kicking off a lifetime habit of foolishly wearing my heart on my mouth.
9) The Indians won the pennant thanks to Jake Taylor's bunt.
10) Dinner? Pizza Hut. You're welcome, baby!!!


- Abe Lincoln died.
- The Titanic sank.
- Joey Ramone died.
- Tax day.

Christ. Shoulda known better.


  1. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Cheer up. You are gonna get a GF and have even better make outs.

    And...Abe Lincoln is still alive. Yep. In heaven. uh huh, sitting Indian style at the feet of the Almighty God whose reading from the Lamb's book a Life. Git yer name in that book if you ever want to see Abraham Lincoln alive again.

  2. And yet, somehow, there isnt a HayDay song called "Purple Sweater". Weird!

  3. dude. believe me, there is. if i can find the notebook (from 1996), ill post it. this is my promise in my apparent "Year to Look as Gay as Possible." good lord.
