Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I'm Guessing This Isn't On The Drudge Report with a Red Siren

Pulled pork:
The number and costs of congressional pork projects dropped this year, the Citizens Against Government Waste said in its "2010 Congressional Pig Book Summary," issued on Wednesday.

The 9,129 projects in the report "represent a 10.2 percent decline from the 10,160 projects identified in fiscal year 2009, and the $16.5 billion in cost is a 15.5 percent decrease from the $19.6 billion in pork in fiscal year 2009," the group said.

The nonpartisan group, which has been shining the light on how members of Congress use the earmarking process to steer money to projects in their districts, attributed the decrease in part to "reforms that were adopted when Democrats took over Congress in 2006."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:04 PM

    swat'ahlack! a naaac joejia pooed poke samich. keep da change...
