Monday, April 05, 2010

Nice One, Barry

That sound you hear right now is East Coast liberals doing frappadickcinno raspberry drizzle venté spit-takes over this video. Of course if they really loved America they'd spend some more time noting that the Glass-Arm-in-Chief didn't come close to throwing a strike at the Nationals game today. Way to go, ass eyes. Yeah, there's no WAY Fidel's not laughing at us now.

Hey, here's a clue for you, Harvard: you're only HALF black!!  Which means you actually have to PRACTICE sports stuff!!!!!!!!!!

Charlie Young: [telling the President that he has to practice throwing a baseball with a bullet proof vest on before throwing the first pitch out at a baseball game] Sir, everyone agrees.
President Josiah Bartlet: Like who?
Charlie Young: Leo, Josh, CJ, your wife, the Notre Dame athletic department...


  1. Marley10:01 PM

    I call foul.

    He's a lefty.

    It was hot.

    The freakin' bulletproof truss is impossible.

    It was a Nationals game. He's qualified to be the fifth starter.

  2. Bush threw a strike!!!!!!!!



  3. Marley10:12 PM

    That was in the steroid era. I thought you said you saw Oliver Stone's film?

  4. arkived!! :)

    btw, where's my photo du jour? almost midnight!
