Friday, April 02, 2010

Sniffy's New Show

I guess the critics who were forced to watch watched Sniffy-Wiffy's show last night didn't find it to be that great.
she is never more believable than in the land of nebulous platitude, hosting a show made up of curiously unrelated, seemingly freeze-dried profiles that all fit under the giant label of "inspiring." ... So for an hour she glommed on to some of her real Americans' realness and turned it all into something that is pointless to argue: America is great. People can do whatever they set their mind to because they are exceptional, because America is exceptional. The search continues for a tune that Palin and Fox News seem forever convinced goes under-sung.
I wonder how she is going to react to this. I mean, I am not part wizard/magician/mermaid, so I have no way of having any idea what she'll say about her show being blasted. On one had I'd guess that our Victim-in-Chief Governor Palin will point out that it's yet another case of the "lamestream media" (you've been ZUNG, media!) picking on her and taking shots at her because they're jealous of how much she loves freedom, but who knows with her? Maybe she'll say "I'll take these thoughtful insights and work on improving the show." Maybe she's already used the "lamestream media" defense six or seven times this morning for other things. The point is the Amazing Kreskin wouldn't have a guess with this one.  This is an enigma, wrapped in a riddle and then buried into a hole before being blasted into outer space. And with Haylie Duff (ie the hot one) getting tittie implants, I can't say I'm really gonna care that much.

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