Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"That's L-E-A-D-E-R-S-H-I-P" (ooooh, a dig at Marley!!!)

The GOP have given up pretending they have absolutely no ideas and are instead now pretending to "listen to the folks!":
Today the House Republican caucus is launching a new website — which seems to live in a legal murky area between legislative and political activities — AmericaSpeakingOut.com. The website allows users submit and vote on policy priorities to help House Republicans “craft a new agenda.” Think of it as Digg or Reddit for policy priorities... Great! Well, not really. As the Post explains, this is all kind of a farce and House Republicans won’t incorporate anything they don’t already agree with: “‘This isn’t American Idol,’ said McCarthy.
Of course it's not. As well as being very welcoming to women, gays and non-Causcasions, American Idol is very good at what it does. I'd say McCarthy nailed that one, dawg. On to Dollywood!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Excellent idea. It's not American Idol but it's a nice alternative to giving people numbers to call their representatives, etc. with their concerns. Helps keep government at least in touch with reality of the (squeak) little guy who can then add his little squeak to a bunch of other little guys...i suspect, if this becomes popular means of attaching importance of issues by number of 'voters' it will be something like the WSL online voting strategies for the All Star teams.
