Monday, May 17, 2010


You will notice a new Xmastime feature to the right - the Gimme your damn money! one.  For years I avoided this, thinking it perhaps gauché, but by now I think people are very used to shit like that, and after almost 9,000 posts of making myself look like a fool for you people I feel I've paid my dues a little bit. If people that come here kick in a few bucks from time to time, it would prevent me from having to get another job in porn, and I can happily pound away all day about Sniffy-Wiffy and fisting squirrels. Give a penny, give a dollar, don't give nothing, up to you. Obviously anyone donating $100 gets a lap dance from me (photo pending, of course.) And mostly I'm hoping some drunk mf accidently gives $10k  ;)

Sometime later on in the future I'll have one of those click-thru banners too so that I make money every time you buy astroglide online.

Thanks!  :)

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