Monday, May 17, 2010

CA vs. TX

California is right next to Texas in terms of number of textbooks bought, so it trying to say "fuck you" to Texas newest textbook lunacy would be huge if passed:
Under Yee’s bill, SB1451, the California Board of Education would be required to look out for any of the Texas content as part of its standard practice of reviewing public school textbooks. The board must then report any findings to both the Legislature and the secretary of education.
The bill describes the Texas curriculum changes as “a sharp departure from widely accepted historical teachings” and “a threat to the apolitical nature of public school governance and academic content standards in California.”
Tom Adams, director of the state Department of Education’s standards and curriculum division, said the Texas standards could make their way into national editions of textbooks, but those aren’t used in California. “Our main concern is whether materials meet California’s standards,” he said. “There’s nothing in our review process that says we should be following Texas or anything like that.”
Of course, this being a bill that actually makes sense means it probably will get shot down thanks to some hefty gun-totin' screaming from nutjobs about Hollywood fags and the nation-wide "liberal bias."

Don't forget to check out the PBS joint I mentioned the other day HERE.

Mostly, any talk about textbooks gives me a chance to blow up PETER LEROY! 

More Peter Leroy and where to buy it HERE.

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