Friday, May 14, 2010

Can We Please Launch Texas into Outer Space?

If you haven't been spurred into incredulity by my Xmassy quips about idiots in Texas insisting their kids grow up dumb (and, consequently, most of the nation's kids) because of a few right-wing nutjobs demanding that history textbooks claim Rush Limbaugh and Jesus trapped Cornwallis in Yorktown, check out Need to Know on PBS this weekend. Fucking stunning.

Idiots like this really highlight the irony of the sheer amount of brain power that's at the LBJ Space Center being in Texas.


  1. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Facts please. Don't you WANT the kids to learn to THINK for themselves? Present ALL Of the facts please. Don't fear them, shade them or disregard their validity. Think about options. This is AMERICA, Wilson. Right, Left and somewhere in between. Give them the tools for the debate. There IS a debate which will outlive you and I.

    As for Cah'yote, that's another story.

  2. theyre not looking for a "debate," theyre looking to change change the textbooks to reflect their current political views. I for one dont think that the civil rights act was passed solely because of the largesse of powerful white men, nor do I consider Thurgood Marshall to not be worthy enough of an American to not only not be mentioned, but removed from textbooks.

    but thats me. surely they know more about "facts" themselves than me. certainly when it comes to deciding what my kid learns in school, i want it decided by someone whose main concern seems to be screeching against, of all things, "academia." of course.

    but youre right about the coyote thing. that we can agree on.
