Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Check Out the Chicks at the Library

My mother was a librarian and, I must say, coming across a book with her handwriting in it from 1980 is a bit strange. I'd say it's kinda like that movie wherein Michael Keaton's dead father speaks to him through the radio, except this is somewhat mildly entertaining. Zingah!!

Also entertaining? According to the date stamp I owe the Essex County Public Library $478.10

Come and try to collect, beeeyotches!!!!!

Side Note on Silas Marner - I have been gut punched in the final chapter of great novels. I have been gut punched in the middle of great novels. But I feel like this is the first case in which I was out of breath at the end of the first chapter of a novel. Jesus christ. No gentle expositional layout? Felt like I came running out on the field and got met with a bat to the head.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:06 AM

    wasn't it dennis quaid's father who spoke to him through the radio? God, I hated that movie

