Tuesday, May 04, 2010

College, Inc.

A long time ago HERE I wrote about the paradox of college tuition skyrocketing in inverse proportion to it's value; tonight's FRONTLINE apparently is about college, and the summary in the Daily News is that college = a worthless degree and tons of debt.

Now, obviously I'm not saying Frontline saw my post years back and thought "this guy's a genius, let's make a show about this post!", but I am saying that Frontline saw my post years back and thought "this guy's a genius, let's make a show about this post!" If you don't think I'm a goddam genius that should be running the world that's fine, it's your opinion, but it should be pointed out that you'd be incredibly wrong.

But then, I went to the Harvard on the Appomattox, and you didn't (except for Cool Pops!) 

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