Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fan Letter

Don't go murdering Anna Wintour but, they airbrushed out part of Brooke's chest. I'm sure you've already seen this, but I wanted to plead for mercy on your part. The blogosphere doesn't need to lose its most important voice to prison.
On the one hand, it's a little flattering that your fans think they know you well enough to know what you might be thinking at any given time. On the other hand, it's a little weird that your fans think you are capable of committing horrible acts of violence in the name of airbrushed titties born the year you entered the 10th grade, which means they know EXACTLY what you are thinking!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I meant Blake, but was so concerned for your possible reaction that I typed in haste.

    It'll only get real creepy when I start asking you to post picture of yourself holding a Cabbage Patch Kid while eating an Orange Push-Up Pop.

    Before all the ladies bombard Xmastime's email for my elctro-digits, I'm married.
