Monday, May 24, 2010

Fox News: Blowing Our Minds Again.

Fox News is getting a lot of shit for apparently editing out the audience applause durung Obama's West Point speech.

Hey, get over it - maybe Fox wanted the viewers to really, really be able to hear what Obama was saying. Which, I guess, is mostly "I like staring and blinking without saying any words during my speeches." But whatever.

IM guessing Fox has taken the lead from the guy putting together those videos of the Big Bang Theory without a laugh track and is forcing America to face itself in an existential quest to exist as an existential frame of itself. Instead of bashing Fox News, we should be thanking it for forcing us to turn our brains on and asking OURSELVES the hard questions, and not just getting them from "President" Obama.

An even better example? Garfield minus Garfield, of course. This is high concept shit people. If it's too "real" for you, then turn back over and watch Keith Olbermann and Anderson Cooper jerking each other off, whatthefuckever.

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