Tuesday, May 04, 2010


I hate the fucking cell phone battery displays that are just a coupla fucking bars. What the fuck? I can tell when my phone is completely charged, and I can tell when I have about 2 seconds of juice left. Everything in between is a fucking crapshoot that makes absolutely no sense. Why the fuck can't it just display a % number, like laptops? But no, it insists on three useless bars. "Hi!  Lookit us!  Aren't we cute?" It's like trying to tell time with an hourglass:

"You have this much time left in the day."
"Really? How much time is that?"
"I have no idea."

Ah yes. My cell stuff has always cooked:
My phone just lit up and beeped to let me know the battery is about to die and needs to be recharged. Oh goody, there it goes again. Apparently it does this every 30 seconds. Which, I would think would...wear down the battery. Who's the wizard behind this? If within the next 11 seconds as I walk to my charger I'm attacked by rapid meerkats and can't call for help because my cellie has just died thanks to this shit, I'm suing EVERYbody.

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