Wednesday, May 05, 2010

I'm Confused.

Right-wingers are very disparaging of any kind of "reward just for participating" system, a lá "everyone gets a trophy just for trying!" Theirs is a pretend cut-throat world of winners and losers, be it with little league soccer or healthcare.

Except, of course, when we're taken as a whole, as Eric Cantor suggests.
Are we better than any[one] else because of the exceptional nature of who we are? Yes
Of course. America rocks simply because we exist, and say we rock.

I cannot read, so I wouldn't really know, but I'm guessing this is just like all those books out there detailing what shitty, untalented musicians John, Paul, George and Ringo were while claiming that the Beatles were the best band in the world. On a side note, seriously, I wish I could read  :(

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