Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Jagoff Watch 2010

As tiring as it is watching Marines sit around patting each other on the back for being Marines, it's still better than this idiot claiming he served in Vietnam when he was actually in DC fixing playgrounds. Hmm. Yes, I'm sure the military is incredibly lackluster in keeping records; I'm sure it took almost 2.1 seconds for Sherlock Holmes' dumber, retarded, blind cousin to find out this info.


  1. Marley9:23 PM

    It appears he lied about being on the Harvard swim team too.

    Does that get you a lot of trim?

  2. He probably figured "Hey if it works for Republicans then maybe I can get away with it, too." No dice. It's only alright when done by the right. [see unapologetic "I was busy" king of deferments Dick Cheney aka Tricky Dick, Jr]

  3. Marley1:56 AM

    Where's the funny?

  4. nerds in speedos. yikes!
