Monday, May 17, 2010

The Muppets

TNC in this post points out that there might be a new Muppets movie in the works, and he says something I agree with:
I think people who don't like the Muppets should be beat with a bag of rusty nails.
Other than Fozzie being a comedic influence I can't really say I grew up on the Muppets any more than anyone else, but as I've mentioned it in this blog several times (although I can't fucking find any of the posts grrr) the highest-level English class I took in college as an English major was Literary Criticism, in which the professor would constantly tie in how, say, The Mimetic Theory, could be applied to The Muppet Movie. It sounds silly 15 years later, but at the time it was always like " this guy retarded? what the...oh, shit, look at that. He's right." Bizzare. "How would Aristotle or Pope have interpreted this particular passage from Frankenstein? Okay, let's go to the tape: here's Fozzie and Kermit coming to a fork in the road while driving and..."

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