Friday, May 14, 2010

My New Favorite Weekly Conversation

Scene: End of t-ball game

Coach Op: great job guys! everybody had fun, right? (kids cheering, hand-slapping etc)
Big Bear: (lone voice amongst celebrating kids) who won?
Coach Op: well, everybody won, we didn't keep score, we're here to have fun, right guys! (more cheering, general excited happiness etc)
Big Bear: (pulling me a side, pseudo-whispering, very concerned) we REALLY won tho, right?
Me: well, well, we don't actually keep score, so-
Big Bear: (lights up) no no, I did, I know the score!
Me: really? (bemused)
Big Bear: yeah yeah, it was, ummmm (pretending to go thru the scoring in his head for a moment) Giants 168, ummm, (pretending to go thru the scoring in his head for a moment) Mets 2! We won! Giants won!
Me: well, we only batted about 15 times as a team. I don't really know how we could've-
Big Bear: we won! We won!!!!!!! (Running around announcing score)

Hey, the kid's a competitor!! :)

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