Sunday, May 23, 2010

Now This Shit's Funny

40-Year-Old Video Exonerates A-Rod In Dumb Mound-Crossing Controversy:
This is a screengrab from the 1971 World Series. And will you look at that? A batter runs across the mound, and somehow the world doesn't launch into a spasm of cock-waggling outrage over a breach of baseball's supposedly inviolable unwritten rules...Of course, we're talking about Dock Ellis, and there's a good chance that Dock Ellis saw Buford and thought he was looking at a unicorn. But maybe, in 1971, no one pretended to care about a guy crossing a pitcher's mound, and maybe no one ever really did until the guy crossing the mound was our national sportsmanship object lesson, Alex Rodriguez, and maybe baseball in general was a lot cooler when our pitchers stuffed themselves full of blotter acid and pitched with their heads somewhere in the Gamma Quadrant.

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