Wednesday, May 12, 2010


A-Rod takes a lot of shit from people that don't know any better; if you listened to them you'd think he spends his time betweens innings getting a massage from Megan Fox's titties while his accountant whispers into his ear how much money he has. But Michael Kay just pointed out what I was thinking about A-Rod: a kid that just got called up today got his first-ever hit in the big leagues, and nobody really noticed it and the pitcher got the ball back and was on the mound to pitch again, and it was A-Rod who was on the top of the steps of the dugout hollering for the ball so the kid could have it as a keepsake. And I've seen him do shit like that time and time again. He doesn't know this kid, he COULD be in the clubhouse doing whatever, but he wasn't. Eff you h8ers!!!!! Like I said HERE, that shit means somethig to these guys.
There’s a reason A-Rod is my favorite guy, and it has nothing to do with the homers, the inevitable Gold Glove etc. Over the years as I’ve been watching, I see things. I see that every time a Yankee, no matter who, hits a home run who is right there to greet him, having some laughs in the dugout? A-Rod. He’s not in the video room obsessing over his swing or talking to Boras, he’s right there. And even more so throughout this year, when in the beginning the Yankees were bringing up a new 22-year old pitcher seemingly every day. Every day these kids (Clippard, DeSalvio etc) would get SHELLED and Torre comes out to get the ball, the last Yankee that would be on the mound giving them a pat on the ass was A-Rod. And to most fans that might not mean shit, but to me, I notice that stuff and it means a lot. To a 22-year old baseball player, A-Rod is a huge deal...To the fan, the spectator and even to the athlete. A-Rod's definitely more Mickey than Joe D. To me, the greatest compliment of all: a great teammate.

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