Saturday, May 08, 2010


I know it's been a while since A-Rod has come out and said something stupid, which, just like my not being able to go to bed without getting a whipping, apparently makes Major League Baseball uncomfortable in the same "something's not right" way, since clearly they are paying this pitcher dude under the table to provoke him:
Dallas Braden, the pitcher irked by Alex Rodriguez's crossing his mound last month, was asked recently about settling the score with "knuckles," and he "indicated that there could be a fight" when the A's and Yankees next meet. Braden replied, "Well, I mean that's pretty much the long and short of it. "On a serious note, obviously there's things that are going to have to happen just out of respect for my teammates, out of respect for the game," Braden added.
I mean, at some point his teammates are gonna hafta step in and say "dude, can you please shut the fuck up already," right?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:50 PM

    aw, those memories are so sweet. Whippins notwithstanding...your mama reminds me of Patricia Neal in the The Waltons Christmas. Who wolnts ta see sompin pretty?
    Gregboy? Gregboy!
    I hear ya Daddy!

    Thanks for sharing again.
