Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Tea-Bagging, Let's Do It!

This patriot HERE is not only outraged that Obama has used the word "teabaggers," but has intuited that he is doing so derisivley:
"This remark is the equivalent of using the 'n' word. It shows contempt for middle America,
That's interesting. And by "interesting" I mean "how does this person have the brains to have a job that pays money that can be exchanged for goods and services on planet Earth?" For one, I didn't realize that every member of "Middle America" was a member of the Tea Party race. But mostly, I guess I was mistaken in thinking that the Tea Party freedom-loving patriots had proudly strapped the name on their backs, wrapping themselves in a big American flag of loving the tea party. I thought they reveled in calling themselves "teabaggers"; I had no idea the name was foisted upon them as a derogatory term insinuating them to be animals by people that looked forward to owning them as if chattel while whipping them or stringing them up a tree whenever the mood hits. Seriously, you don't keep an eye on Matt Drudge every minute of the day you miss shit, right? Fucking a. What's next, me finding out we landed on the goddam moon, like we're Jedi knights or some shit?


  1. The Gnat11:13 PM

    C'mon. We all know you smarter-than-thou liberal wanks made up "teabaggers" so you and John Stewart can smirk to your superior little selves. YORF

  2. no exclamation point? youre going soft, brah! losing steam!!!!!
