Monday, May 24, 2010

Tony Danza is a Dick

I have no idea who this is, but I must say it's a little thrilling to be quoted at a blog entitled Tony Danza is a Dick  :)

ay oh oh ay, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, you're the second person (outside of Facebook) to mention the site! Imagine my delight to see this come up in my Google Alert for "Tony Danza", it is way better than the normal shit I see.

    The first person to mention the site was this ass clown: Too Many Tony Danzas

    He said "dude, isn’t there something else you could be doing with your time? Like anything?"

    So I replied giving him a chance to "write a guest post for making fun of me and my site as much as you’d like."

    He never replied. Lame. However, if you ever wanted to write a guest post for the site, tearing into Danza (or me) how ever you'd like, I'd be delighted to post it.

    My quest to enlighten the masses of Danza's douchery has slowed lately, but I just received this fucking gem: Single Bars, Single Women on VHS, so I'll probably have some more coming soon.

    Anyway, take it easy,
    Tony Danza is a dick.
