Friday, May 07, 2010


I am considering getting a Twitter feed. I've always thought that to be the final line of gaydom that I would never cross - a gay bridge too far, you might say.

But I've gone full fag on blogging. Full fag on Facebook. Dove into Myspace full fag. I was on Friendster, for fuck's sake. I'm surprised I haven't started Fagster myself. And yet for some reason I think I'm too good for Twitter, as if normally I'm too busy cracking on some mathematical fractals, or translating Garfield at Large back into it's original Chinese, when of course I actually spend half of my day wondering why english muffins aren't used more as hamburger buns, and the other half looking for excuses to post my favorite Heather Thomas poster. I mean, who am I fooling?

So I'm at least considering it. We'll see.

Oh look, it's Heather Thomas! Awesome!

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