Friday, May 07, 2010

You People are Fucking Worthless (A Call to Titties)

What Would Tyler Durden Do has said three things in as many years that are actually funny, all three about what a fucking sweaty pig Brooke Hogan is, and yet his fans send him pictures of their big fucking titties. What the fuck? Meanwhile I'm on the front lines here every day sweating out dozens of posts, popping fucking cartwheels while juggling for you people with a smile on my face and "jazz hands!", and all I get is shit from Marley and the occasional friend who goes out of their way to let me know they don't read Xmastime. Fucking hell. Look at these girls - they pump their tits up with a gallon of silicone, paint on a tiny thong and send a picture to him. Me? My fans can't be fucking bothered. Too busy learning the watusi and eating baby egg rolls, I'm so sure. You people are fucking terrible. If I don't start getting inundated with pictures of titties, I'm coming to your houses and punching you in the fucking head. Enough's fucking enough already.

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