Wednesday, May 12, 2010

YouPorn? Oh, Sorry.

For some reason Eric Cantor has been dubbed the "idea guy" within the GOP, which I suppose is a little bit like being "the intellectual Kardashian sister." I mean, he did have that brilliant showing at Obama's healthcare summit, when he was asked if he had any ideas and kept blathering "wow, look how big this thing is!  this is a lot of paper!  wow, it's taller than a big rat!  can you believe this? wow!!!" And now I guess he's been in the lab cooking up more genius ideas, as he's come up with "YouCut":
 YouCut – a first-of-its-kind project - is designed to defeat the permissive culture of runaway spending in Congress. It allows you to vote, both online and on your cell phone, on spending cuts that you want to see the House enact. Vote on this page today for your priorities and together we can begin to change Washington's culture of spending into a culture of savings.
In this instance Cantor has thoughtfully put his own stupidity aside and is letting the stupidity of "the people" take the reins and shine. You can almost hear the furious clicking and texting going on throughout the land, "real Americans!" sending a message to Washington about what they want cut.

Of course, since it's doubtful a Democratic Congress is gonna pop a hamstring jumping up to slash programs "because Cantor's people have stood up and spoken" such voting is quixotic at best. Did I say quixotic? I meant idiotic. And once the GOP takes over Congress again, I'm pretty sure their now-boiling-over-with-rage about government spending will vanish immediately, along with fairly quickly dismissing any of this YouCut nonsense. It's only fun to be furious at spending when you're not the one in charge of it.

But of course shit like this will catch on and Cantor will become some sort of Tea Party populist hero, all while he himself knows that this little performance here is just that, a performance. I was gonna make a crack here saying the only thing that needs to cut is Cantor, but then I remembered he's Jewish, so I'll let that one go. You're welcome.

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