Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dudes Suck.

One thing I love is when guys try to impress chicks by saying that if it wasn't for the curveball, they'd have been major baseball stars.  Riiiiiiiiiiiight.  Yes, I'm SURE it was only the curveball that stopped you.  Surely you could hit a 95mph fastball with movement, mixed in with an 81mph change-up that falls off a table.  Of course.  Oh, and surely you were born with a freak arm that allows you to casually toss a ball 100 feet to your teammate, smacking his glove with that unique sound that echoes throughout an empty ballpark.  Of course.  And I'm not even going to bring up the thousands of hours spent in the cage instead of trying to explain why Hunky Dory is better than Ziggy Stardust, or having an encyclopedic knowledge of everything every pitcher has every thrown you.  Yes. of course, it was only that dastardly curveball that kept you from the majors.  Hmm.

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