Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Farts

South Carolina has followed Kansas' noble footsteps in canceling it's gee, so costly arts program:
As was the case in Kansas, the funding for the South Carolina Arts Commission wasn’t the difference between a balanced budget and a deficit. Instead, Brownback and Haley had both pushed to eliminate their arts commissions, and when their legislatures disagreed with them on the wisdom of cutting small programs that support a wide range of arts endeavors across their states, they eliminated the agencies through executive action. 
This of course throws their own constituents under the bus so as to please a national audience, a lá  Rex Ryan  Chris Christie.  Very impressive.  Are we ever going to see a governor win his home state in a Presidential race?  After all, impressing stupid people across the nation takes a little more than merely being a good governor.

Hey, you know what, fuck it.  If South Carolina doesn't want any funding for arts, that's fine with me.  More for everybody else.  If South Carolina wants to remain a bunch of shit-kickin' idiots who wonder why the Jews run Hollywood and not South Carolineans, that's their prerogative.  Keep voting for people like Nikki Haley.  They're more than welcome to bore themselves silly while wondering why their state is going bankrupt despite canceling a coupla community theaters, all while young people have no desire to move there.  If you're going to lead a life of ignorance, it might as well be willful.

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