Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kate Xmastime

Skimming through this book (which, I should point out, doesn't make me gay) I see again and again friends from Kate Middleton's youth speak of how as a little girl she "told them that one day she would marry Prince William" with hushed awe - oh my god, she said she would, and then she did!!!

I mean, for fuck's sake - you know who else said that?  EVERY SINGLE LITTLE GIRL IN ENGLAND, along with EVERY OTHER LITTLE GIRL ON THE PLANET!!!  Including, ta-da!, the very girls now saying such of Kate Middleton.  Camon.  Ask a little boy what he wants to be when he grows up, he'll say "baseball player," or some shit like that, so when that one kid in 20 million makes the Major Leagues, it's not that "spooky."  Now if a little kid announced that when he grew up he wanted to be the Assistant Regional Accountant for the Northeast Region of John Deere and then actually did it, THAT would fucking be impressive.

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