Monday, June 27, 2011

Oh, Michelle

Junior Varsity Sniffy opens her mouth, shows she doesn't know where Wikipedia is:
In an interview yesterday with Newsmax, Michelle Bachman said she wants to live in “John Wayne’s America.” And in the Iowa town of Waterloo today, where she announced her presidential candidacy, Bachmann told Fox News, “John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That’s the kind of spirit that I have, too.” But unfortunately for historically challenged Bachmann, as the Washington Times points out, the John Wayne born in Waterloo is John Wayne Gacy, the notorious serial killer.
Of course, this opens the door for Xmastime critics who have not yet been silenced by the heel of my boot to howl at me for snobbishly "picking on" Bachmann.  But pointing out that someone's wrong does not automatically make anyone some unhinged, biased liberal playing "gotcha!"  If someone who is running for the most important job on the planet says 2+2=5, you're not an asshole for pointing out their mistake.

This latest dumbass moment from Bachmann reminds me of why the Stewart/Wallace interview frustrated me, when Wallace accused Stewart of being a big meanie to Palin et al for pointing out when they do stupid shit.  Stewart should've said look, you can't keep rolling out people like Palin/Bachmann/Paul/Cain/Pawlenty/listgoeson and then expect nobody to say anything when they say the crazy shit YOU KNOW they're going to say.

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