Saturday, June 25, 2011

Paul Simon Hates John Lennon; Internet to Collapse Into Itself and Destroy Earth

I don't know what's more surprising - someone saying out loud they think McCartney was a better songwriter than Lennon, or someone saying out loud that Dylan is a "second tier" songwriter:
"I'd put Gershwin, Berlin and Hank Williams. I'd probably put Paul McCartney in there too. Then I'd have Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart. Then, in the second tier, Lennon is there, Dylan is there, Bob Marley and Stephen Sondheim are there, and maybe I'm there, too. It's about whose songs last."
I'm not saying which Beatle was the better songwriter, that debate will go on as long as the Earth rotates, but I continue to believe Paul has unfairly gotten the raw end of the deal; Lennon as Jeter to Paul's A-Rod.
Mostly, I've always been pissed at how because he got shot, he became a martyr, while Paul became the "pussy Beatle", a "lightweight fop." In a lot of people's eyes. John IS the Beatles, which is totally ridiculous. Paul could have a tendency to get a bit mawkish at times (one song about your sheepdog is one too many, Paul), but he also CRANKED plenty - witness his bone-shivering cover of "Long Tall Sally", or his heavy metal "Helter Skelter." On the very same day he recorded "Yesterday", Paul also ran through his Little Richardesque number "I'm Down", so don't tell me he's a pussy (twas his 23rd birthday, and he ALSO recorded "I've Just Seen a Face" - quite a fucking day. jesus.) John and Paul were both great because of each other. Yes, John probably helped Paul steer from his sentimental show tune side sometimes, but Paul also kept John from completely going off the deep end too eary with his "artsy primal scream feeling songs" - or, as I call them, "crap." So everyone, drop the Lennon is the Jesus Beatle and Paul sucked nonsense.


  1. The Gnat9:47 AM

    I'm on Team Paul. Can't help it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Paul Simon is right, it’s about who lasts. And Paul Simon is wrong: if you are really going to rank one over the other, if you are really going to go there... Lennon was the better songwriter.

    Convention says Yesterday is McCartney’s great evergreen song, (even Macca seems to think so, trying to switch the order of credit for that song. I disagree with that too, he’s written far better songs.)

    But put that song side by side with Strawberry Fields Forever. When the Beatles recorded that song they were very much into studio techniques. But if you really want to hear the beauty of that song, listen to this performance:

    Truly, Yeaterday is a sweet heart lovely song, that sounds as traditional as Greensleeves. But it is SFF that speaks more to our modern day existence, and it is that song that is going to last.

    And it is like that with a lot of other songs. Rain vs Paperback Writer. Hide Your Love Away vs For No One. Daytripper vs We Can Work it Out.

    Lennon’s stuff was just more ahead of its time.
