Wednesday, June 29, 2011

True Dat, Fagz Edition

via Sully:
To say simply "I believe civil marriage is between a man and a woman" is not an argument. It's also irrelevant in six states and the nation's capital. What you have to do is explain why you believe two gay people cannot and should not be married in terms beyond mere sectarian dogma. We live in a republic, not a church.
Hey, I believe Arby's is about the roast beef, not the ham & cheese or turkey sandwiches, but I don't care if they exist.  When I go to Arby's, I get the roast beef. You want the turkey sandwich, order away.  More roast beef for me.  And when it comes to gettin' my stank on, I like the ladies.  If you don't, it ain't no sweat off my balls.  Matter of fact, it's more poo-nay-nay for me!
4) I still don’t understand why guys are freaked out by gay dudes. To me, this is fucking stupid – hey, Mr. “I love fucking pussy!” Idiot, if some guy is gay THEN THAT’S ONE MORE GUY OUT OF THE WAY IN YOUR QUEST TO FUCK CHICKS! Hell, I wish they ALL were gay! I hear a dude is gay, all I think is “nice!” and mentally mark him off the list of dudes I’m competing against for chicks. Seems so simple to me. It’s like when the burgers come off the grill and someone says “oh, I’m a vegetarian” - more burgers for me! One problem is some of these idiots assume that if you’re gay you’ll immediately start to hump him like you’re Triumph the Comic Insult Dog at the Westminster Kennel. Cause I guess while we should assume that a gay dude is gonna immediately get all on top of you, we shouldn’t assume that after 9 Miller Lites and your third time telling your buddies “man, I fucking LOVE pussy!” you’re gonna rape the first girl you fucking see. Camon.  Let em all be gay, I say. More pussy for me.

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